Ms. Marvel

Ms. Marvel: A comprehensive guide to the meaning of Urdu words and Pakistani cultural references

Lo and behold, we have a Pakistani American superhero in Marvel! Why is that significant? More than 550,000 Pakistani Americans are living in the USA. Whether you or your family is from Pakistan or not, chances are that you would have met a Pakistani somewhere! Just like all other cultures, we Pakistanis are in some ways

Ms. Marvel: A comprehensive guide to the meaning of Urdu words and Pakistani cultural references Read More »

A door surrounded by a lot of books, showing how learning can open new doors

The Secret to Improved Critical Thinking: Language Learning

Learning a new language offers many unique benefits for improving critical thinking skills. Language learning involves acquiring and processing a large amount of new information, which helps develop and strengthen your cognitive skills, such as memory, attention, and problem-solving. It exposes us to unique cultural viewpoints and perspectives, leading to more open-minded and empathetic thinking.

The Secret to Improved Critical Thinking: Language Learning Read More »

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